For our 121COM individual assignment, we made a grade processing system that allows users to load a data file with marks information, and using that information, sort the file, calculate each student’s overall mark and display the grade distribution in a bar chart. In my opinion, my final product was quite good, but could be better. At the beginning, the programming was not very thoughtfully planned out, thus during coding, a lot had to be rewritten, wasting a lot of time. Had I thought of what I wanted to do in the beginning, my total time spent on the program could have been about 25% less. As for the program itself, the required functions are all present, but the looping could have been done more efficiently, and more charts for grade distribution could have been added. Finally, some more error cases could have been handled. But overall, I believe the program turned out decent. Through this experience, I believe my next assignment will be better because of what I learned this time.
Paco Hung